
German Media Covering Up Rapes Committed by Muslim Migrants

German media outlets are refusing to broadcast information about rapes committed by Muslims over fears that the hundreds of thousands of migrants flooding into the country might be offended and that such content could enflame tensions.

Reported last week, numerous prominent welfare organizations in Germany warned that women and children were being raped at a migrant camp in Hessen, but the issue received very little press attention in comparison with the overwhelming positive coverage that has characterized the media’s treatment of the refugee crisis.
As the Gatestone Institute reports, Germany’s top public broadcaster ZDF has decided to censor such information. A prime time crime show called Aktenzeichen XY, which seeks public help in identifying criminals, refused to run a segment about a “darker skinned” rape suspect.
“German media is in lockstep with the government, giving happy-talk and a positive spin on migrant crisis of gigantic proportions hitting Europe,” writes Vijeta Uniyal. “Mainstream media in Germany are not merely willing executioners of Merkel’s open border policy, they are ideological players committed to breaking any opposition to the plan.”

Earlier this month, a 7-year-old girl was raped by a north African migrant in a German park, a story that also received little media attention.
School in Germany situated near migrant camps are warning girls not to wear shorts or skirts so as not to offend migrants and provoke “attacks”.
The media has also framed entire issue as the “Syrian refugee crisis,” when only one in five of the refugees are Syrian and most of them are economic migrants fleeing to a higher standard of living.

Editor in chief Ina-Maria Reize-Wildemann explained the decision, remarking, “We don’t want to inflame the situation and spread the bad mood. [The migrants] don’t deserve it.”


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